I've noticed that my posts have mostly been negative rants about media in general, however, this is the only platform that I feel comfortable being negative on. That being said, let's begin.
Tragically, the Notre Dame Chapel has burned down. It was an amazing piece of history, that now is gone. Although I believe it is important to show others that we acknowledge their loss and understand their grief, I think most of the posts relating to the tragedy were published due to selfish intent.
Once the news broke out, social media platforms were flooded with pictures of people on holiday in France. Although on the surface it may just seem like they are honoring the Notre Dame, it also is the prime time for that image to get a high amount of likes.
I am not the only one who noticed this. Many Twitter users pointed this out as well. It seemed more as if these posts (mostly Americans, or other tourists) were in a way showing off. Many of the images featured the poster with Notre Dame in that background, rather than just an image of the building itself.
It seems this happens a lot when horrible events like this occur. We hear of a tragedy and we want to join in on the popular topic, we want to talk about what everyone else is talking about. We are so invested in popularity on social media that we seem to take such tragedies as a way to get in. However, do we really have good intentions when we upload these posts? Or are we just joining in to get more likes?
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